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Β© Chantelle Meyburgh

State of Appreciation

30 March 2020

We are told that Gratitude is the key to living a happy and abundant life. For creating and attracting more of what we want. I agree. But not entirely, and especially not to begin with. Trying to be 'grateful' often reminds us of something challenging or painful we've experienced and trying to overcome. If that reminder still holds an iota of negativity in your consciousness, it keeps you locked into resistance, actually shutting you off from receiving that which you do want.


I'm keen on being in a state of APPRECIATION to begin with. Appreciate that life has offered you some great challenges from which you can learn, grow and evolve; appreciate that you may not have the understanding and clarity right now, but you are open to receiving; appreciate the functions of every part of your body - both internal and external - even though you may not be in love with the reflection you see in the mirror right now, appreciate your eyes that see, your legs that carry you, your heart that beats. Your hands that touch and feel, your breasts that fed your babies. Appreciate that it's taken alot of courage for you to get to this point. Then, before you know it, that appreciation naturally becomes gratitude. It's a natural process of alchemy, or transformation, with ZERO trying or stressing to eventually feel it! Now things and situations you desire start flowing towards you as your resistance softens and dissolves and you start seeing the bigger picture. You move back into alignment, which is your most powerful point of magnetism, your drawing point to receive. Your energised self, happy self, confident self, starts resurfacing. Resistances crumble and you accept the inevitable πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ You are actually a super-powered force πŸ’₯ taking the shape and form of your beautiful human body πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί created from the same energy that creates galaxies and universes! You have come here to experience EVERYTHING and NOTHING is impossible! Your body is designed to heal itself, and that's just one small miracle it's capable of. Now THAT'S something to APPRECIATE and be GRATEFUL for!! πŸ’œπŸ˜‰πŸ™Namaste my friends! Let's play and create and enjoy this amazing life we've come here to LIVE!!! Have a beautiful, peaceful, introspective day!

OMChanti πŸ’œ

The End of an Era

13 March 2020

I am not a religious person, I would rather consider myself Spiritual, but I do believe that the time we are currently living is the time of which The Book of Revelations speaks of in the Bible. The end of an Era. A time of reckoning. But I do not believe that some great spiritual leader is going to swoop some of us good ones up to the heavens and save us, whilst leaving the rest of the dodgier characters to fry in eternal flames and damnation! No. Quite the opposite actually.

This certainly is the time of reckoning, but it's our own inner reckoning. It's time to stand still and look within. Time to save us from ourselves. This earth carries the consciousness of every being that has ever existed on it. That means every feeling, thought and act that is carried out by each person is projected into the collective consciousness. If we look at what is currently happening around us, there is just mayhem and chaos and so much pain and suffering! Especially apparent now with CV flying around at the rate of knots! It's a sure sign of what we, as a collective, have been projecting.

It's time for us to SLOW DOWN and examine our actions. Examine what we put out there, then ask ourselves what does it add to... Positive or Negative? Are you deliberately (maybe ignorantly) creating joy or pain? Can only be one or the other. Some say that 90% of physical manifestation happens in the non-physical. I totally believe that. We create what we feel and think. It's so easy to judge and blame others at times like these when our fears our heightened. Although this is a GOOD thing, because it highlights the areas in your life that you need to give attention to! Heal your wounds. You know them because they don't FEEL good. Anything that does not FEEL GOOD needs to be balanced. We blame those around us for our own misgivings, yet don't realize the other is merely a mirror for your unhealed side that you choose to ignore. Now is the time to show compassion and empathy. Firstly and most importantly, towards yourself. To our fellow beings and earthly companions. Then look deep into the eyes of those you see fit to hurt or slay or kill before you do so. Be it human, beast, insect or nature. Can you truly say you don't feel? Can you truly say THEY don't feel? Examine those feelings and actions. They will lead you to magnificent places.

This earth has lost its balance and we are the stewards who are responsible for maintaining that. This is merely a sign that we have lost our inner balance as a whole. Find your alignment again to feel compassion, empathy, love, caring... seek and you will find the beauty in life, the things that make you smile. Live more consciousnessly, take more time to notice the things you've deemed worthless or useless. Raise your vibration by doing these things, and then you will SEE that, LIVE that and ATTRACT that good into your world too. When you do this, no CV, or any other creepy or nasty, can come close to touching you. You are flying too high for that stuff to reach you.

Let's take care of each other
Namaste to You all

Doing things differently

24 March 2020

As I watch the emotional and mental state of many people right now, I am somewhat amused by the many who are telling the other many, what they should and should not be doing. So much fear and blame. When are we going to learn that we cannot tell others what to do? Social responsibility is what is being called for here, and yes, many people are up in arms about the actions of others and I see how ANGRY this makes them. We may agree that the other is being selfish, or ignorant, or whatever by not staying indoors when everyone says they should. But that ain't gonna change anything. The only thing that will immunise YOU to this virus, is how you actually Feel, Think and Act, ie: deal with your life, yourself. Yep. That's actually it. Believe it or not. No virus or dis-ease can grow in a healthy, balanced body with a strong immune system, if your mind is in a good place and your vibration is high. It's that easy. So rather than get caught up in yet another wave of fear or anger at another's actions, why not focus on and examine your own response? Fear will continue to spread this virus faster than the Australian fires, if we allow it. Keep your body in balance, your immune system strong and your vibration high. Be HAPPY to be spending time with family! Celebrate that! Play! Cook a healthy meal! Create! Write! Read! Meditate! Go for walks! Enjoy LIFE and LIVING and STOP GIVING MISERY AND FEAR SO MUCH POWER.

This virus is the culmination of ALL our shit on this planet. As much as I would also like to blame the Chinese, the higher part in me knows that this is just the catalyst for an opportunity for incredible things to happen on this planet. In fact, China and the humble Pangolian have done us a massive favor. Never before has our opportunity for Collective Transformation been so strong. We have ALL been ignoring the signs for a very very long time. Running around ignoring what we've all needed to be doing. Pretending to be ignorant of the plight of your OWN needs, the needs of another, and even your own family. Selfishly carrying on as if no-one else matters, particularly if we don't agree with their morals, politics, race, or religion. I have spent years in my coaching practice trying to get people to see the importance of self-love and self-care. The one's who've "gotten this" realize the value of that at these times. It is vital for living a happy life. We are given these opportunities now to change things in a massive way. Nothing happens without a reason, and if you are being affected by this in any way, then you need to take note. Stop looking at the ones around you for reasons to blame. Take responsibility for YOURSELF and your kids and family, but quit being a moaner and whiner at all the others not doing what you think they should be doing. Be grateful, be happy and APPRECIATE YOUR LIFE!

And if you think your energy and your inner output are irrelevant, then please think again. The ONLY thing that does not lie, is your energy, your output, your frequency, because it is exactly that which ultimately creates your reality and attracts everything you put out there, to you. This is something we dearly need to learn here. You attract the very thing you give the most attention to. Be it positive or negative, health or illness, joy or pain. It's simple.Chill out people, we're in this together. It's time for love, compassion, empathy and kindness. That's what will keep us healthy and strong. Not judgement and intolerance. God knows we've given each other enough of that over the years and this is where it's gotten us. Let's try do things differently now. Let's find another way to co-habit peacefully. After all, we are ONE.

Namaste my friends, we've got this πŸ™
OMChanti πŸ’œ

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius

8 April 20202

Please friends, I do not need anymore invitations to "make money from home", especially now πŸ™ You see, I've been making money from home since the age of 24, after being fired from every job I had for insubordination. Except for the last one. I resigned. That boss was cool. I concluded that I simply had to start doing my own thing, or else my poor child and I were gonna starve to death, and that would've been unfortunate. It's therefore been clear to me for a very long time that I do not fit the mold of anything, other than my own self. So the lives most of you are having forced upon you now, is the life I have chosen to live about 2 decades ago. Welcome to my world 😁 (although I must say I'm feeling a bit like y'all are encroaching on my space here!πŸ˜‰)

Anyway, WELCOME TO THE AGE OF AQUARIUS. Yes!! My time is finally here!🍾πŸ₯‚ And I say "my time" because I am born a double-Aquarian and as any good Aquarian knows, it ain't always easy being a free-thinker and a self-decider in a world full of boxed in sheeple. But I love being kinda rebellious, so I can't say I didn't enjoy it all πŸ˜‰ So, get used to this way of living my friends, because the Age of Aquarius is finally dawning, and this is the life we can expect to become more accustomed to.

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We will live alot more independently, open-mindedly, truthfully, cleanly, creatively and compassionately. In the future there will be alot less religious control, huge monopolies and working for corporate giants who demand nothing less than your soul. Life will ask you to be alot more creative and to use our own intelligence in making your own decisions and creating a new way of earning your living. We will find new ways of bartering and trading, monetary systems will be alot more transparent and our education systems will be about BEING and not so much DOING. Our kids will be taught the things that really matter. (I saw this when I was writing my book for the SunKidz and am super-excited about THAT!)

So my friends, I don't believe we will go back to our lives as we've known them. Thank God for that. The world has finally turned the corner, and what seems to be shambles for everyone right now, is merely a Divine Reconstruction. God loves chaos, because Chaos Means Change... but just for a short moment in time. We are being asked to do things very differently now. It is, after all, the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius and this, that is currently happening, is preparing ourselves for change. πŸ’œ

So... Get Ready! Use this time wisely because soon, we gonna be rocking to a very different tune! A nice one. To which we can ALL dance! Learn to listen to the music πŸ’œπŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆ

Namaste all!
Have a Wonderful Wednesday
OMChanti πŸ’œ


4 May 2020

These are trying times indeed. As our lock-down extends indefinitely and uncertainty arises about our well-being, about our government and their dodgey desires, shit is getting real for many people. Cash flow is now becoming cash trickle, stress is setting in, and so are the shadowy aspects of our human nature. Many are angry, vicious with keyboard strokes, scared and vulnerable. Who do we trust? Who do we believe? Could these conspiracy theorists be right? Have we really been duped for so long and how could we all have been so dumb, if this be true? Where to from here?

For those of you who read my previous post on this time being rise of the Age of Aquarius, THIS IS IT. As any woman who has given birth knows, this is a pretty painful experience, especially if those labor pains seem to last forever! We are in a birthing process now, so of course there is fear, pain, uncertainty, anxiety and what seems to be a bloody mess! But then... Peace, Joy and Happiness soon follow and set in. Smiles and Laughter. There is a New Life. A New Beginning. New Hope. A beautiful opportunity for growth and change and a brilliant desire to grow into the best possible version of Itself. An opportunity to let go of the outdated and things we have no control over. What could be more exciting than that?

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Now is the time to rise to the challenge to still your worrying mind. Never before have we collectively had the opportunity to change things, as we do now. Aquarius asks us to UNITE in CONSCIOUSNESS and to CONNECT with your inner-being in a way that you have not connected before so that you may realize your true power and see yourself for who you really are. A Masterful Being who has come here to show off your Masterful Creative Abilities! Time in isolation affords you that Golden Opportunity. You have an entire universe within you, waiting to be tapped into. That is where YOUR power lies, YOUR truth, and is available to each and every one of us, if we choose to see it. Never again will you look to another for an answer outside of yourself, because you won't need to. So, I invite you to take the path of still'ing your mind and know there is something much greater in store for You. Keep the Faith. Your Faith soon becomes your Knowing.

That inner doorway of your mind now opens and you start to feel subtle shifts happen, something like when a seed within you, pops open and sprouts. A new idea arises and a feeling of peace and joy accompanying it... and another one, then another... and then momentum gathers and you soon realize that you have a head and heart full of fantastic ideas! And when your ideas are born of this INspiration, you know you know you know you just know that it cannot fail!

You cannot access your inner-world with a closed, busy or worried mind. Those shitty vibes just slam those steel doors of the mind shut so firmly, from even getting a glimpse of an iota of that which I speak. Discipline your mind to start looking for opportunities, new beginnings, new creativity. Shed your Armour of War and DECIDE that your life is a wonderful, winding adventure, full of enriching twists and turns, each adventure bringing you more enrichment and growth, and it will turn out to be just that. DECIDE to let those shackles of fear dissolve, and then see the beauty of the New Beginning. It is right here. Just Go Within πŸ™

Wishing you a beautiful week πŸ’

Chanti πŸ’œ

Just breath

1 August 2020

Stress is the worst kind of beast and is the cause of many-a-dis-ease that occurs in the body. Few can disagree with that. So, let's be wise and get inner-curious! Breeeaaathe and allow your breath to get back to Yourself. There is absolutely NOTHING airy-fairy about that. Your Breath is the one super-power you have that can change your world completely. Deep breathing allows for stillness of that crazy busy mind, and brings in a completely new perspective. It is this "new" perspective that holds the potential to change your life experiences completely. Nothing is permanent anyway and these challenging situations are simply a call for us to take a deeper look for a deeper meaning.Pain is not there to debilitate or crush you, but rather acts as a barometer that guides you to those deeper spaces within so that healing can occur authentically. So, rather than view pain or dis-ease as the enemy, breeaathe, and shift your perspective, or shall I say, allow your breath to shift your perspective!

Simply the best

12 August 2020

You deserve The Best. You deserve to be treated with Kindness, Love & Respect, and you absolutely deserve to be treated as No.1! Nothing less. If you are being treated like an option within a pond of fish, then rather help them to streamline their choice and exit the equation gracefully.

You teach people how to treat you. Although you have no control over the actions of another, you certainly have control over how you choose to respond, and with whom you share your space. Setting healthy boundaries does not mean putting up rigid walls and disconnecting from the world. It means you UP your standards and you LEVEL-UP your own game. It means you lead by example and treat others in the way you wish to be treated. It means you understand this : "In order to get what I want, I need to become it first".

Have a beautiful day, lovely people!

OMChanti πŸ’œ

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Liberation & Completion of Cycles

14 May 2020

Liberation & Completion of Cycles. It's Time To Let Go πŸ’œ

Endings or 'death' of cycles such as moving home, relationships, jobs, feelings, etc. often evoke fear and discomfort within in us. However, significant and timely changes and endings, releasing the old to make way for the new, is really a great sense of liberation. What we really fear is the unknown, the 'what next?' of it all. We may be experiencing pain due to holding on to aspects of life that we have outgrown, but as humans we tend to hold on anyway because we don't KNOW what is next. We want guarantees, but instead we get open doors into unknown, dark places. Yet, when we step through these doors, closing them behind us, we discover a whole new world, one where we can develop and grow into more than we ever dreamed we have the potential of being.

There are basic phases we go through after any form of loss, i.e. shock/denial, anger/guilt, emotional storms, acceptance, the beginning of healing, and then... our deepend capacity to Love ❀️ Sometimes we can comfortably let go that which no longer serves us, to the next happily anticipated phase. These releases call us to celebrate. Letting go can be the patient acceptance of loss or the joyful celebration of liberation. When we liberate something in ourselves or in the world, we grow to be more adaptable to change and evolution. Power and Strength in the present come from releasing the past.

So my friends, this sure is a time of Liberation! 😁 So you may as well co-operate because it will happen, whether you like it or not. Changes occur inwardly or outwardly (usually both!) but often we resist these changes. When change comes knocking at your door, know that it is timely and natural. So bawl your eyes out and squirm in this imagined hell for 30 days if you must ... or be Joyful if appropriate ... but either way, Trust the Process, acknowledge what you feel and prepare to move forward.

As is the natural Cycle of Life, the old serves as compost for the new, for growth, for expansion. Nothing is ever lost or wasted. Leaves fall every Autumn and in the Spring the trees are green again with new leaves. Make room for the new in your life - let the old go... lovingly... willingly... gently...πŸ’œ

Namaste my friends, let's all take a breath πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ž

Chanti πŸ’‹

Giving inner peace a chance

29 June 2020

I have learned that being at Peace (or not) is always a choice. No matter where you're at in life, or what's happening, choosing peace is possible. Dramatic highs, catastrophic lows and emotional roller-coasters only intensify when you give them attention. Most people aren't addicted to substances, they're actually addicted to shitty emotions. Or shall I say, the drama attached to their unresolved emotions. Then often use substances to numb that. If drama is all you know, you'd better believe that you can certainly get attached, or rather, addicted to it.

But... remember, peace is always an option. If you can't focus on moving towards the road of least resistance in this moment, then rather just be still for a while, you don't have to move anywhere. Accept and embrace what you're feeling. No matter what it is. Just be at peace with feeling enraged, or jealous, or whatever. Knowing when to act and when to sit quietly, is an Art. It is a discipline of the Mind and Spirit. From this space, your peace arises and solutions are imminent.

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If something doesn't give you a sense of comfort, or if it doesn't give you peace, or if it doesn't share the essence love, then there is probably a better choice. Peace is a Practice. Making decisions from a peaceful place is the only way to guarantee your desired outcome. Allow the space for all resistance to dissolve. Don't rush into anything, let it take the time it takes and all will unfold in its own sweet, perfect time. And in your favour. Always in your favour! πŸ˜‰ Sooner rather than later, it is your own inner- compass that naturally and organically guides you to your Path of Peace.

Namaste beautiful friends! Let's give (inner) Peace a chance! βœŒπŸ˜‰

OMChanti πŸ’‹

We are perfectly placed stars

26 July 2020

No-one owns anything, so don't try to hold onto something because nothing 'belongs' to you anyway, not even your children. We are simply the Guides for our children, to show them how to live a beautiful, healthy and abundant life on earth, and to open pathways for them to succeed through our example. We are the Keepers, Protectors, Gate-Keepers of Earth, of Animals, of the Sky, of Jewels, of Gems and most importantly, of EACH OTHER. We cannot own anything, despite what your mortgage documents tell you. We cannot buy love or friendship, because they can never be for sale.

There are golden threads, something like the rays of the sun, that connect us all in the essence of Love. These threads are more valuable than any asset you could ever 'own'. It may sound corny to some who've not understood its essence, but Love truly is the Fabric of the Universe. These rays of Love strengthen each time we open ourselves up to give and receive in a loving way, thereby strengthening the very fibres of our existence together. We are not separate and there really is no 'mine' and 'yours'.

Every star is perfectly placed, just as you are perfectly placed. You shine brighter than a million Stars and Suns, radiating with the Light of Love. You are created from Light and Love. KNOW THIS.

Be Light. Be Love. Be Cool. Be Kind. Have Fun! πŸ‘Œ

Namaste friends! Happy Sunday πŸ’

OMChanti πŸ’œ

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See this dis-comfort as your best ally, keeping you informed of the secret workings of your body and where attention is needed. Your breath will guide you there. If you don't like what you are feeling - emotionally or physically - then reflect, and dive a little deeper. As the ever-curious-inner-seeker, you will ALWAYS find what is already there, and has always been there. Who knows WHAT treasures those could be! πŸ˜‰

Namaste all, have a beautiful day 🌻 Let's just BREEAATHE... and... Be Cool... Be Kind... Be Calm... Be Love

πŸ’•OMChanti πŸ’œ

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