Conscious Communication

A 2-day workshop on introspection, animal communication and re-connection to Source & Nature

Conscious Communication is a 2-day workshop, open to adults and teens 15 years and older. It is when we honour and celebrate Nature and the Animals! Have you ever wondered if it's possible to speak to animals? Wonder no more! Any inter-species communication is done energetically and telepathically, the universal language of the soul which naturally exists between all of us. We simply need to re-ignite the parts of ourselves which are dormant and start using our God-given gifts and awaken to a whole new dimension of connected-ness! This occurs when we understand and use the invisible apparatus within our bodies, i.e: our energy system. It occurs when we realize that ALL living beings are ONE, created from the very same essence and fibre from the very same Creator. We don't need to speak the same language, or need nature or an animal to express verbally to  understand what is being communicated. The majority of us have forgotten that we have these amazing abilities, most of these abilities lying soundly asleep in parts furtherest away from our consciousness.

During these 2 days we examine and alchemize those limitations you have placed on yourself, now holding you back from the greatness of consciously connecting with nature and animals. We use meditation and exercises designed to ignite your psychic abilities and fine-tune your focus to 'pick up' imagery, thoughts, sensations and words; we delve into medical Gestaldt to locate aches and pains in the animal's body, learn to read photographs, and connect with animals who have crossed over. We also pay special attention to Mother Earth and her myriad of offerings...

© 2016 Agency Creative+Strategy Inc.

Core Alchemy

One of the workshops I offer is called ‘Core Alchemy’. Core obviously being your centre, your being. Alchemy being changing base energies, lead energies back into creative life force. Core Alchemy is all about understanding what inside of you is creating the limitations within you. It’s about looking within yourself and getting real with yourself, being honest with yourself, asking yourself the hard questions… but man-oh-man those are the questions that have high voltage energy and those are the questions that actually create the change. When you are no longer prepared to run away – what we call the fight-or-flight syndrome. You either run away or shut down, or if you’re a guy often the fists will fly, but you are actually prepared to turn around and say YES to whatever the universe is handing you at this point in time. That’s when you take responsibility. That’s when you are able to look within and take the journey within. That’s where all the answers lie and that’s when true alchemy occurs.

The Alchemist

This workshop is the first of its kind with me! It's the practical application... the blending and merging of all the stuff I've done with you before... but now integrated into an interactive, cutting-edge, intelligent, engaging, creative and in-spirational 5-part workshop. It's Alchemy in Action and it's all about YOU! Because ultimately, that is where it begins, and that is where it ends.  I'll guide you through your fears and help you turn them around so that you can see the true gift in each experience. You will learn to let go and to operate from your place of full-alignment, the only place to authentically create any lasting change and inspired growth. You will get to know and see yourself in a way you haven't done before and feel and understand the value of living from the inside-out.  You will feel empowered, knowing there is nothing you cannot face, or come to terms with, or manifest for yourself.  You will leave with the tools that will take you to the next level of Alchemy. So fellow Alchemists, let's dig-in, dig deep and let the next level of Alchemy begin...


Pre-Recorded Workshop Available ~ Book your spot!

Pre-Recorded Workshop Available ~ Book your spot!